
Eggless Royal Icing Cookies Workshop

4 customer reviews

Original price was: ₹1,699.00.Current price is: ₹899.00.

It’s time to make the winters more cosy and delicious with upcoming

You can make these cookies for occasions such as…
🎅 Christmas
👩‍🍼 Baby Shower
👰‍♀️ Wedding
♥️ Whenever you want to have something nice

You will learn : 🤔
👉Cookie making
👉Eggless royal Icing
👉Wet on wet method
👉Wet on dry method
👉Texture effect
👉Glass painting
👉Brush stroke painting
👉Emboss effect
👉Marble effect

1. All Inclusive PDF Notes (Lifetime)
2. Recording of Live Class (Lifetime)
3. After Class Support (Lifetime)

